Questions for QuantSignal?
We have Answers!
QuantSignal - The 'Un-Hedge' Fund
How does this work?
We only charge a fee when our signals profit. If our signals aren’t profitable, u don’t pay.
(*terms apply* - after all, we can’t have u bet the house on red in a single trade lol).
We’re a partner, not a manager. You manage your funds and trades, we make them profitable.
Because of this, we charge the standard fee adopted by hedge funds of ‘2 and 20’, meaning 2% management fee and 20% of profits.
Except we are NOT your typical ‘Hedgie’.
Since you handle your own trades and funds, we completely ELIMINATE the 2% management fee.
And if you opt in to our Performance Protection Program (10% added fee), YOU ONLY PAY FOR PROFIT.
REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: We are not a hedge fund. We to not hold, direct, or manage your funds or trades in any way. We are not financial advisors, and do not offer any advice specific to your unique financial situation, goals, risk tolerance, or any other factor specific to you or a sub-set of individuals. Please read all of our Terms carefully along will all of our Disclosures and Disclaimers found under the 'Disclosures' menu and in the footer links of this website.
*IMPORTANT* - There are a multitude of factors that affect how much potential profit you can make daily (fees, commissions, entry/exits of trades, market conditions, etc.). Regulations also require us to remind you that futures trading is incredibly risky and there is the potential for catastrophic losses.
That said, our signals packages are optimized for a DAILY PROFIT TARGET OF $20-$1000/day depending on the Signals Package you select.
*terms and conditions apply
This means we only 'win' when you do. And it is why we LIMIT the number of subscribers per each tier in order to preserve alpha/edge.
You bet your bottom dollar there is. Unlike virtually EVERY other 'signals' service out there, we back up our service with a Positive Performance Guarantee. You don't profit, you don't pay. Period. (rules apply).
Similar to hedge funds (which charge a standard 2+20%) our fees are based on the projected profit for your subscription tier. We've dropped the 2% fee hedge funds charge because we don't actually manage your trades or direct your accounts, leaving you in full control as to which trades to take or not take.
You can read the specifics HERE, but the TLDR is that if, in a given subscription month, our signals do not produce a 'theoretical' or 'simulated' profit had you taken the trades, you get a refund or credit to your account (your choice).
P.S. Since we are NOT making the actual trades for you, and do not know which trades you did or did not take, by law we HAVE to refer to these as 'simulated' or 'theoretical'. We are also obligated to remind you that there are certain limitations of such 'simulated' results, and that you can read about these in our comprehensive Terms.
Each signals subscription is based on a daily/monthly profit target, and for a specific futures instrument/commodity such as the S&P 500 (ES/MES).
Each signals package delivers signals from an algorithm that is optimized for both the financial instrument you choose (i.e. ES/MES, NQ/MNQ, BTC, or ETH), and for the contract size (i.e. 1 contract, 5 contracts, etc.).
Which instrument you choose and for how many contracts is up to you, and dependent on a wide range of factors you will need to take into account for yourself, including but not limited to your appetite for risk, goals, financial situation, familiarity with each futures instrument, margin requirements, room for drawdown, etc.
We offer discounts for subscribing to more than one instrument. Please reach out to support for assistance if you would like to subscribe to more than one signal.
*Since BTC and ETC do not trade based on contract size and you can trade fractional notations of the underlying coin, we do not optimize these for contract size and instead offer BTC and ETC as a flat rate add-on regardless of your trading size or profit target.
YES! Due to popular demand we have recently launched a modified version of our signals services for prop firms.
Our prop firm packages work in two stages:
Stage 1: Passing the prop firm evaluation (so you can start getting paid)
This Stage can be purchased as a 'stand alone' if all you want to do is have us give you the signals needed to pass your evaluation. There is a one-time fee per each passed account. If you don't pass, you get a full refund. Terms apply.
Stage 2: Profit Sharing from Prop Firm Payouts
This stage works similar to our 'live' account packages that give signals for real money trading accounts. We provide the signals, and you only pay a small monthly fee + a percentage of the profits you earn from our signals.
COMMING SOON - Prop firm trading automation.
Because prop firms use SIM accounts, we are not bound by the usual compliance and restrictions set forth by the SEC and CFTC. As such, we can place trades for you automatically (with your consent).
Yes. Several of our ProProfit plans exceed a goal of $300/day as a target, with our highest tier having a profit target of $1000+/day.
PLEAES NOTE: Our ProProfit plans have a limited availability in order for us to maintain our edge/alpha with various strategies. These plans are not suitable for anyone without a high risk tolerance and who are undercapitalized.
DISCLAIMER: We do trade our own signals, and at any given time our company, parent company, employees, contractors, or other company parties may be actively participating in the same trades you are.
We’re here to disrupt the hedge fund industry.
Too long has the world of investing been largely roped off for 'high net worth' and 'accredited' investors.
QuantSignal gives the ‘little guy’ the tools and opportunities typically only available to ‘Accredited Investors’ (I.e. those with a NET worth of $1M+). Our disruptive approach to futures trading allows us to offer a performance-based subscription service, while still falling within the regulatory guidelines set forth by the SEC, CFTC, and NFA.
In other words, we charge a performance-based fee similar to what a hedge fund does, but with YOU still maintaining full control over which trades to take (or not take). We give you the trades, you execute and manage at your discretion.
DISCLAIMER: We reserve the right to limit our publicly available algorithms/signals optimized for profit targets in excess of $1000+/day to our in-house team and/or partners.
We're all About the Science of Predictive Intelligence
Our primary business is data science (Parent Company: QuantRadius). It has taken us several years at considerable expense to develop our predictive trading models, which require constant attention and management in order to evolve with the prevailing winds of the market.
This market model is the first of several predictive analysis models we are aiming to launch in the next 1-2 years, including one or more that we're hoping to patent. As you might have imagined, this is resource intensive both in human capital (data scientists are NOT cheap), and in hard costs (i.e. a patent can run up to $100k+ each for complicated systems).
In lieu of doing a capital raise/funding round and giving up a portion of our company, or subjecting our teams to the will of investors, we opted to launch a LIMITED SERVICE OFFER that will serve 3 purposes:
1. PROOF: Undeniable, 3rd party, publicly documented proof of concept backed by an independent and unbiased track record from subscribers;
2. CAPITAL WITOUT THE STRINGS ATTACHED: Generate a consistent flow of funding needed to continue our work on other predictive and AI models including those for sporting event outcomes, political outcomes, and other markets; and
3. FUTURE FUND: Establish a future base of customers, who under US compliance and regulations, we may be able to offer a managed fund service to in the future (since we have a documented previous business relationship with them).
Anyone who joins qualifies for upgrading. Anyone who cancels will no longer be able to re-join in the future. This protects the integrity of our systems and the edge we have established.
Because we GUARANTEE PERFORMANCE, our packages are priced at a standard used by Hedge Funds (normally 2% management fee, + 20% performance fee).
We have eliminated the 2% management fee since we do NOT manage your accounts, funds, or trades.
This leaves us with a conservative 20% performance fee based on the projected profit target(s). If our signals do not produce a simulated profit exceeding the subscription package, our Performance Protection Program Kicks in and you will be entitled to a full refund for that subscription period.
*Terms Apply - HERE
We also LIMIT the number of active subscribers at any given time for each Signals Tier in order to preserve the edge generated by our system.
For example, our highest tier, custom optimized for clients seeking a return greater than $300/day is limited to just 25.
Whereas our lower tier packages are capped at between 100-200 members.
Our algorithms are optimized for futures and commodities trading across several high-liquidity assets including: the S&P 500 (ES and MES futures contracts), the Nasdaq 100 (NQ/MNQ futures contracts), and Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH).
*Futures Options are coming in the...well, 'future'.
We do NOT currently support anything classified as a 'Security' by the SEC.
For real money/live trading accounts, no. We work within a very narrow window of compliance with the CFTC and NFA. This means that we are unable to make or place any trades on your behalf, nor manage or direct your accounts or funds in any way (either directly or indirectly). While we provide exact entry/exit signals, along with optimal 'take profit' and 'stop loss' targets, it is always and solely UP TO YOU to make your own trading decisions.
*UPDATE* - do to the lack of regulations surrounding prop firm accounts, we will be offering an automated trading option for PROP / SIM accounts only in the near future. Please note that this is only available for SIM (non-real cash) accounts and not live real money trading accounts.
Yes. We can help show you how, but remember, WE are unable to make or place any trades on your behalf, nor manage or direct your accounts or funds in any way (either directly or indirectly).
This means that any automated trading actions you wish to take must be set up and carried out on your own, using third party software or tools, and at your own discretion.
It is always and solely UP TO YOU to make your own trading decisions.
Our service that works with prop firms using SIM (simulated accounts, not real money) CAN be automated directly by us. This is because these SIM accounts do not use real money nor take 'real' trades. They do, however, PAY OUT IN REAL MONEY 😉
This can vary, but we generally try to give you between 5-15 minutes or more. With some trades giving you more than 30min-1hr to act. In other cases, such as with NQ/MNQ, trading signals may need to be acted on in 1-3 minutes.
Keep in mind, market dynamics are constantly changing and time is critical for optimal entries and exists.
NOTE: If you miss a signal, there will always be more, and our profit targets are heavily underestimated to make up for this.
Trades may be 'held' anywhere from minutes to hours, but never overnight (to avoid overnight margin requirements for index and commodities futures).
In other words, our current signals algorithms are optimized for day trading, not swing trading.
Signals are sent/posted in a dedicated Discord channel set up for your specific subscription tier/level.
We suggest turning on 'notifications' on mobile and desktop so that no matter where you are you get an instant alert any time we post a new signal.
Instrument Name
Long or Short
Strike Price (buy/sell price)
Take Profit
Stop Loss
MES 2 Contracts
Strike price: $5293
Take Profit: $5278
Stop Loss: $5297
Projected Profit: $60
NOTE: We are legally obligated to tell you that futures trading is HIGH RISK, and that with futures there exists a risk of losing MORE than your risk capital.
At QuantSignal we utilize several risk models, including an adaptive Kelly Criterion model that weights sizing against EV, current volatility, algorithmic probability, and other factors.
We're good. Hell, I'd even say we're extraordinary at what we do. But we aren't oracles or psychics. Even the best traders in the word can't call every trade profitable.
That said, our risk parameters are tuned to manage R:R ratios against calculated probabilities to establish positive EV (expected value) over the course of a month's time.
Achieving profitability day 1 or week one is not uncommon, but drawdown due to unforeseen factors, news events, or natural variance is also not uncommon. This is why we guarantee monthly positive expectancy over the course of a whole trading month.
The Sharpe ratio is a measure of risk-adjusted return, calculated by dividing the excess return of an investment (or trading strategy) over the risk-free rate by its standard deviation of returns.
In day trading, where positions are typically held for a short period, the ratio can fluctuate significantly due to the high turnover of trades. Additionally, the risk-free rate, often represented by the return on a short-term government bond, are not directly applicable to our day trading strategies, which are focused on capitalizing on short-term price movements.
For these reasons, a Sharpe Ratio is less reliable of a performance metric for QuantSignals. Instead, we focus on fundamental performance metrics including PROFITABILIY, WIN RATES, and RISK MANAGEMENT.
Futures markets trade 24/6.
However, volatility and liquidity can differ greatly from RTH (regular trading hours) and ETH (extended trading hours).
Because of this, the vast majority of our signals will come in during RTH (defined as the hours of the New York Stock Exchange, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern time).
Trading signals given during extended trading hours, including on weekends, may come with additional/modified sizing or other information adapted to that trading session.
For example, even if your Signals Plan is optimized for 10 contracts, we may suggest laddering in or out of the position at various targets, and/or sizing down for specific types of trading setups.
We are not financial advisors, and as such, laws prevent us from giving you any 'personalized' advice or advice tailored to your unique situation or circumstances.
However, we can give generic advice to the public at large, irrespective of anyone's personal situation, finances, goals, or appetite for risk.
But if you'd like a quick TLDR, the lowest amount you'd need per futures contract traded will be dictated by the margin requirements at your broker of choice.
Using Ninjatrader as an example, the intraday (day trading margin) for 1 MES contract is $50.00 USD, and $100 USD for MNQ respectfully.
This means that the absolute minimum needed to trade 1 contract of MES is $50.
If you chose a signals package from us optimized for up to 5 MES contracts with a profit target of $100+ per day, you'd need $250 as the absolute minimum at Ninjatrader.
However, this does not leave much room for a trade to 'breathe', and it is generally advisable to have between $500-$1000 per MES contract, and between $1000-$2000 per MNQ contract traded to allow for random drawdown situations (remember, NO ONE bats 100% when it comes to winning trades).
If you do not have padding to support short periods of drawdown, and room for a trade to turn profitable before hitting the optimal stop loss, not only will it reduce profitability and your ability to compound winnings, you increase the chances of going 'bust/broke' before you hit profitability.
AND TAKE A SIMULATED LOOK AT HOW 2%/day turns $10k into $566,939.12 in 12-months
Each platform and/or broker has its pros and cons.
No platform or broker is 'perfect' and they all have issues from time to time.
That said, below are a few of the more popular options:
Ninjatrader (NT)
Interactive Broker (IBKR)
Sierra Chart
We hadn't planned on it, but due to popular demand we will be creating a separate course and strategy playbook to help you learn how to trade with or without an algorithm, including a proprietary indicator used by our algorithm, AND an AI modeling tool you can use (without any coding knowledge) to test 1000s of your own algorithmic adaptations.
We do not currently have an ETA on this as our primary focus is strictly on making YOU money with a 'pay for performance' signals model.
We do not take investments nor do we manage or direct funds, trades, or trading accounts for any clients at this time. However, we are looking into the possibility of opening a private fund in the future.
If we go down this path, all active subscribers who meet any additional regulatory requirements will qualify for the private fund.
We employ several proprietary strategies, dynamically adjusted and weighted for market conditions and regime (i.e. Bull/Bear market).
- QuantWave
- TradeStack
- MicroQuant
- QuantBox
You can read more about the underlying principles of these strategies in a future write-up.
However, a quick breakdown of key components of these strategies include principles of: support and resistance, market profile, volume profile, mean reversion, volatility, velocity functions, wave theory, chaos theory, and others.
The Futures market trades 24/6 (meaning 24 hours, 6 days of the week).
The crypto futures market on CEXs and DEXs operates 24/7.
The vast majority of days there will be multiple trading opportunities. However, some days the market is: largely flat, unpredictably volatile, or offers no valid trade setups that meet our criteria. Because of this, it IS possible that there could be a few days during each subscription month with no trading signals. This is less common, but it does happen.
Large volatile moves are often the result of:
- Breaking news
- Economic data releases
- FOMC or other Federal policy updates
- Geo-political events
- Natural disasters
- Earnings reports
- War/terrorist attacks
- Corporate filings (mergers, bankruptcies, acquisitions, expansions, etc.)
- And more...
Our systems, algos, and strategies do NOT trade such news events.